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Please make your tax-deductible donation to Allegany County Cancer Services, Inc.

You may send us a check, completing and enclosing the donation form with your payment.


Without our donors, Allegany County Cancer Services, Inc. would not exist. We depend entirely on donations, fund-raising projects, memorials and honorariums from our friends and supporters.  


Memorial Donations 2024

                                                                           In Memory of

Connie Clayson by Thomas & Kathleen Burt                         Bobby Layman by JC Potter, Inc.

Linda Rix by Bill and Sandy Allis                                              Bobby Layman by Vivian &Nick Moline

Linda Rix by Katherine Harbeck                                              Ron  Hall by Diane Bledsoe and Lynn Coleman



Memorial Donations 2023

                                                                           In Memory of

Wayne Ordiway by Jeff & Bonnie Ordiway                          Diane Burton by David & Melanie Thorp

Arnold Nelson Jr. by Linda & Arnold Nelson                         Diana Burton by Teresa Joyce

Pat Winterhalter-Sweeney by Camuto Family                     Sue Ennis Harris by Butch & Sharon Robinson                 

Diana Burton by David & Marianne Scoins                           Wayne Ordiway by The L.C. Whitford Co.

Diana Burton by Cheryl Mueller                                             Diana Burton by Deb & Jim Joyce

Diana Burton by Mary Miller                                                  Jerry Garmong by Yvonne & George Marks

Jerry Garmong by Marilyn Lester                                         Jerry Garmong by Julie and Roger Hoshal

Jonathon Acker by The Ryan Agency  


  Memorial Donations 2022

                                                                           In Memory of

Pat Carson by Edward and Doreen Joyce                               Pat Carson by Charity McCormick

Kevin Young by Kathleen Grisewood                                        Kevin Young by Marlee Cannon

Dale Angood by Lynda Lanterman                                           Alan LaFave by M/M Arnold Nelson

Jim Bliven by IAM Union 1580                                                   Della Ford by M/M Mervyn Robinson

Walter Schubert by Maureen Cooper                                        Bonita Willard by M/M Shawn McKinley

Bonita Willard by Kathleen Sobey                                             Bonita Willard by North Park Wesleyan Church

Leo Alvord by Pat Alvord


                                                 Memorial Donations 2021

   In Memory of


Chris Emerson by Certified Safety Products                              Chris Emerson by M/M James Joyce

Alice Rogers by Crystal VanPatten                                              


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